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Public.Parser.XML2 1.50
Public.ZeroMQ 1.1
Public.Template.Mustache 1.0
Public.Protocols.XMPP 1.4
Sql.Provider.jdbc 1.0

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Public.Parser.JSON2 1.0
Public.Parser.JSON 0.2
GTK2 2.23
Public.Web.FCGI 1.8
Public.Parser.XML2 1.48

Module Information
Viewing contents of wx-0.4/Completion

wxPike completion status

Please note, this list could not be accurate.


[ ]: Not implemented
[/]: Implementation NOT PLANNED (redundant in Pike)
[.]: Minimal implementation (empty class)
[-]: Partially implemented (at least some methods)
[+]: Implementation mostly complete
[X]: Implementation complete

[ ] wxAcceleratorEntry
[ ] wxAcceleratorTable
[.] wxActivateEvent
[-] wxApp
[/] wxArray
[/] wxArrayString
[ ] wxArtProvider
[ ] wxAutomationObject
[+] wxBitmap
[X] wxBitmapButton
[ ] wxBitmapDataObject
[ ] wxBitmapHandler
[X] wxBoxSizer
[ ] wxBrush
[ ] wxBrushList
[ ] wxBufferedInputStream
[ ] wxBufferedOutputStream
[ ] wxBusyCursor
[ ] wxBusyInfo
[X] wxButton
[ ] wxCalculateLayoutEvent
[ ] wxCalendarCtrl
[ ] wxCalendarDateAttr
[ ] wxCalendarEvent
[ ] wxCaret
[X] wxCheckBox
[ ] wxCheckListBox
[+] wxChoice
[ ] wxClassInfo
[ ] wxClient
[ ] wxClientDC
[ ] wxClientData
[ ] wxClientDataContainer
[ ] wxClipboard
[.] wxCloseEvent
[ ] wxCmdLineParser
[-] wxColour
[ ] wxColourData
[ ] wxColourDatabase
[ ] wxColourDialog
[+] wxComboBox
[ ] wxCommand
[-] wxCommandEvent
[ ] wxCommandProcessor
[ ] wxCondition
[ ] wxConfigBase
[ ] wxConnection
[ ] wxContextHelp
[ ] wxContextHelpButton
[X] wxControl
[ ] wxCountingOutputStream
[ ] wxCriticalSection
[ ] wxCriticalSectionLocker
[ ] wxCSConv
[X] wxCursor
[ ] wxCustomDataObject
[ ] wxDatabase
[ ] wxDataFormat
[ ] wxDataInputStream
[ ] wxDataObject
[ ] wxDataObjectComposite
[ ] wxDataObjectSimple
[ ] wxDataOutputStream
[ ] wxDate
[ ] wxDateSpan
[ ] wxDateTime
[ ] wxDateTimeHolidayAuthority
[ ] wxDateTimeWorkDays
[ ] wxDb
[ ] wxDbColDataPtr
[ ] wxDbColDef
[ ] wxDbColFor
[ ] wxDbColInf
[ ] wxDbConnectInf
[ ] wxDbIdxDef
[ ] wxDbInf
[ ] wxDbTable
[ ] wxDbTableInf
[ ] wxDC
[ ] wxDCClipper
[ ] wxDebugContext
[ ] wxDebugStreamBuf
[+] wxDialog
[ ] wxDialUpEvent
[ ] wxDialUpManager
[ ] wxDir
[ ] wxDirDialog
[ ] wxDirTraverser
[ ] wxDllLoader
[ ] wxDocChildFrame
[ ] wxDocManager
[ ] wxDocMDIChildFrame
[ ] wxDocMDIParentFrame
[ ] wxDocParentFrame
[ ] wxDocTemplate
[ ] wxDocument
[ ] wxDragImage
[ ] wxDropFilesEvent
[ ] wxDropSource
[ ] wxDropTarget
[ ] wxDynamicLibrary
[ ] wxEncodingConverter
[ ] wxEraseEvent
[-] wxEvent
[-] wxEvtHandler
[ ] wxExpr
[ ] wxExprDatabase
[ ] wxFFile
[ ] wxFFileInputStream
[ ] wxFFileOutputStream
[ ] wxFFileStream
[ ] wxFile
[ ] wxFileDataObject
[ ] wxFileDialog
[ ] wxFileDropTarget
[ ] wxFileHistory
[ ] wxFileInputStream
[ ] wxFileName
[ ] wxFileOutputStream
[ ] wxFileStream
[ ] wxFileSystem
[ ] wxFileSystemHandler
[ ] wxFileType
[ ] wxFilterInputStream
[ ] wxFilterOutputStream
[ ] wxFindDialogEvent
[ ] wxFindReplaceData
[ ] wxFindReplaceDialog
[X] wxFlexGridSizer
[.] wxFocusEvent
[X] wxFont
[ ] wxFontData
[ ] wxFontDialog
[ ] wxFontEnumerator
[ ] wxFontList
[ ] wxFontMapper
[+] wxFrame
[ ] wxFSFile
[ ] wxFTP
[X] wxGauge
[ ] wxGDIObject
[ ] wxGenericDirCtrl
[ ] wxGenericValidator
[ ] wxGLCanvas
[ ] wxGrid
[ ] wxGridCellAttr
[ ] wxGridCellBoolEditor
[ ] wxGridCellChoiceEditor
[ ] wxGridCellEditor
[ ] wxGridCellFloatEditor
[ ] wxGridCellNumberEditor
[ ] wxGridCellTextEditor
[ ] wxGridEditorCreatedEvent
[ ] wxGridEvent
[ ] wxGridRangeSelectEvent
[ ] wxGridSizeEvent
[ ] wxGridCellBoolRenderer
[ ] wxGridCellFloatRenderer
[ ] wxGridCellNumberRenderer
[ ] wxGridCellRenderer
[ ] wxGridCellStringRenderer
[ ] wxGridTableBase
[X] wxGridSizer
[ ] wxHashMap
[ ] wxHashTable
[ ] wxHelpController
[ ] wxHelpControllerHelpProvider
[ ] wxHelpEvent
[ ] wxHelpProvider
[ ] wxHtmlCell
[ ] wxHtmlColourCell
[ ] wxHtmlContainerCell
[ ] wxHtmlDCRenderer
[ ] wxHtmlEasyPrinting
[ ] wxHtmlFilter
[ ] wxHtmlHelpController
[ ] wxHtmlHelpData
[ ] wxHtmlHelpFrame
[ ] wxHtmlLinkInfo
[ ] wxHtmlParser
[ ] wxHtmlPrintout
[ ] wxHtmlTag
[ ] wxHtmlTagHandler
[ ] wxHtmlTagsModule
[ ] wxHtmlWidgetCell
[ ] wxHtmlWindow
[ ] wxHtmlWinParser
[ ] wxHtmlWinTagHandler
[ ] wxHTTP
[ ] wxIcon
[ ] wxIconBundle
[ ] wxIconizeEvent
[ ] wxIdleEvent
[.] wxImage
[ ] wxImageHandler
[ ] wxImageList
[ ] wxIndividualLayoutConstraint
[ ] wxInitDialogEvent
[ ] wxInputStream
[ ] wxIPV4address
[ ] wxJoystick
[ ] wxJoystickEvent
[-] wxKeyEvent
[ ] wxLayoutAlgorithm
[ ] wxLayoutConstraints
[ ] wxList
[+] wxListBox
[ ] wxListCtrl
[ ] wxListEvent
[ ] wxListItem
[ ] wxListView
[ ] wxLocale
[ ] wxLog
[ ] wxLogChain
[ ] wxLogGui
[ ] wxLogNull
[ ] wxLogPassThrough
[ ] wxLogStderr
[ ] wxLogStream
[ ] wxLogTextCtrl
[ ] wxLogWindow
[ ] wxLongLong
[ ] wxMask
[.] wxMaximizeEvent
[ ] wxMBConv
[ ] wxMBConvFile
[ ] wxMBConvUTF7
[ ] wxMBConvUTF8
[ ] wxMDIChildFrame
[ ] wxMDIClientWindow
[ ] wxMDIParentFrame
[ ] wxMemoryDC
[ ] wxMemoryFSHandler
[ ] wxMemoryInputStream
[ ] wxMemoryOutputStream
[-] wxMenu
[-] wxMenuBar
[.] wxMenuEvent
[.] wxMenuItem
[ ] wxMessageDialog
[ ] wxMetafile
[ ] wxMetafileDC
[ ] wxMimeTypesManager
[ ] wxMiniFrame
[ ] wxModule
[ ] wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent
[ ] wxMouseEvent
[.] wxMoveEvent
[ ] wxMultipleChoiceDialog
[ ] wxMutex
[ ] wxMutexLocker
[ ] wxNode
[ ] wxNotebook
[ ] wxNotebookEvent
[ ] wxNotebookSizer
[.] wxNotifyEvent
[.] wxObject
[ ] wxObjectRefData
[ ] wxOutputStream
[ ] wxPageSetupDialog
[ ] wxPageSetupDialogData
[ ] wxPaintDC
[.] wxPaintEvent
[ ] wxPalette
[.] wxPanel
[ ] wxPathList
[ ] wxPen
[ ] wxPenList
[ ] wxPlotCurve
[ ] wxPlotWindow
[X] wxPoint
[ ] wxPostScriptDC
[ ] wxPreviewCanvas
[ ] wxPreviewControlBar
[ ] wxPreviewFrame
[ ] wxPrintData
[ ] wxPrintDialog
[ ] wxPrintDialogData
[ ] wxPrinter
[ ] wxPrinterDC
[ ] wxPrintout
[ ] wxPrintPreview
[ ] wxPrivateDropTarget
[ ] wxProcess
[ ] wxProcessEvent
[ ] wxProgressDialog
[ ] wxProtocol
[ ] wxQuantize
[ ] wxQueryCol
[ ] wxQueryField
[ ] wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent
[ ] wxRadioBox
[ ] wxRadioButton
[ ] wxRealPoint
[ ] wxRecordSet
[ ] wxRect
[ ] wxRegEx
[ ] wxRegion
[ ] wxRegionIterator
[ ] wxSashEvent
[ ] wxSashLayoutWindow
[ ] wxSashWindow
[ ] wxScreenDC
[ ] wxScopedArray
[ ] wxScopedPtr
[ ] wxScrollBar
[ ] wxScrolledWindow
[ ] wxScrollEvent
[ ] wxScrollWinEvent
[ ] wxSemaphore
[ ] wxServer
[ ] wxSimpleHelpProvider
[ ] wxSingleChoiceDialog
[ ] wxSingleInstanceChecker
[X] wxSize
[ ] wxSizeEvent
[-] wxSizer
[X] wxSlider
[ ] wxSockAddress
[ ] wxSocketBase
[ ] wxSocketClient
[ ] wxSocketEvent
[ ] wxSocketInputStream
[ ] wxSocketOutputStream
[ ] wxSocketServer
[ ] wxSpinButton
[ ] wxSpinCtrl
[ ] wxSpinEvent
[ ] wxSplashScreen
[ ] wxSplitterEvent
[ ] wxSplitterWindow
[ ] wxStaticBitmap
[X] wxStaticBox
[X] wxStaticBoxSizer
[X] wxStaticLine
[X] wxStaticText
[.] wxStatusBar
[ ] wxStopWatch
[ ] wxStreamBase
[ ] wxStreamBuffer
[ ] wxStreamToTextRedirector
[/] wxString
[ ] wxStringBuffer
[ ] wxStringClientData
[ ] wxStringList
[ ] wxStringTokenizer
[ ] wxSysColourChangedEvent
[ ] wxSystemOptions
[ ] wxSystemSettings
[ ] wxTabCtrl
[ ] wxTabEvent
[ ] wxTaskBarIcon
[ ] wxTempFile
[+] wxTextAttr
[+] wxTextCtrl
[ ] wxTextDataObject
[ ] wxTextDropTarget
[ ] wxTextEntryDialog
[ ] wxTextFile
[ ] wxTextInputStream
[ ] wxTextOutputStream
[ ] wxTextValidator
[ ] wxThread
[ ] wxTime
[ ] wxTimer
[ ] wxTimerEvent
[ ] wxTimeSpan
[ ] wxTipProvider
[ ] wxTipWindow
[X] wxToggleButton
[.] wxToolBar
[ ] wxToolTip
[ ] wxTreeCtrl
[ ] wxTreeEvent
[ ] wxTreeItemData
[ ] wxTreeLayout
[ ] wxTreeLayoutStored
[ ] wxUpdateUIEvent
[ ] wxURL
[.] wxValidator
[/] wxVariant
[ ] wxVariantData
[ ] wxView
[ ] wxWave
[-] wxWindow
[ ] wxWindowDC
[ ] wxWindowDisabler
[ ] wxWizard
[ ] wxWizardEvent
[ ] wxWizardPage
[ ] wxWizardPageSimple
[ ] wxXmlResource
[ ] wxXmlResourceHandler
[ ] wxZipInputStream
[ ] wxZlibInputStream
[ ] wxZlibOutputStream

gotpike.org | Copyright © 2004 - 2019 | Pike is a trademark of Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University