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Module Information
Viewing contents of Public_Standards_CSV-0.1/
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* Based on Format.CSV Pike module by
* James Tyson, DogStar SOFTWARE .
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Author(s):
* Bertrand LUPART
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/* $Id$ */
string __version = "0.1";
string __author = "Bertrand LUPART ";
array __components = ({ "Public.pmod/Standards.pmod/CSV.pmod/module.pmod" });
static int default_type_detection = 0;
static object _enquote = Regexp("(,|\"|\n|\r)"); // Matches a string to be quoted
static object _int = Regexp("^[0-9]+$"); // Matches an int
static object _float = Regexp("^[0-9]+\\\.[0-9]*$"); // Matches a float
static object _string = Regexp("^\"*.+\"*$"); // Matches a string
/* Common CSV functions */
//! Enquote data to be put into a CSV file
//! This means doubling the quoting character: " -> ""
//! @param in
//! The string to quote
//! Example: John "foo" Doe
//! @returns
//! The quoted string, ready to be written in a CSV file
//! Example: John ""foo"" Doe
string enquote(string in)
return replace(in, ({ "\""}), ({ "\"\""}));
//! Dequote data taken from a CSV file
//! This means reducing double quoting character: "" -> "
//! @param in
//! The string to dequote
//! Example: John ""foo"" Doe
//! @returns
//! The string unquoted, ready to be processed
//! Example: John "foo" Doe
string dequote(string in)
return replace (in, ({ "\"\"" }) , ({ "\"" }));
//! Determines the "human" type of a string.
//! In CSV, data are stored as strings, but the actual value can be of any type.
//! Example:
//! "42" -> 42
//! "3.14" -> 3.14
//! @param v
//! The data we want to determine type
//! @returns
//! The actual value, casted as the determined type.
mixed detect_type(mixed v)
// Types can only be determined on a string
return v;
// MySQL's null
if (v == "\\N")
// Can't think of a good way to suggest NULL that isn't just 0.
return zero_type;
// Field is an int
if (_int->match(v))
return (int)v;
// Field is a float
if (_float->match(v))
return (float)v;
// Field is a string
if (_string->match(v))
return v;
return "";
/* CSVIterator */
// This CSVIterator takes a Stdio.FILE has argument, reads data from it using
// Stdio.FILE()'s line_iterator and convert the CSV data on the fly.
// Since that's a generic Iterator, it could be easily updated to take anything
// as an argument for parsing CSV from it.
class CSVIterator
static int csv_index=-1; // current CSV index
static array csv_line = ({ }); // current CSV data
static Stdio.FILE input_file; // The file containing the data
static int file_remaining = 1; // Is there still some data in the file to read?
// file_iterator reads the file a line at a time
object file_iterator;
/* Iterator API */
//! @param _input
//! The file containing the CSV data
void create(Stdio.FILE _input)
input_file = _input;
// Get the line_iterator from Stdio.FILE.
// This allows to handle \n, \r\n, and \r files
file_iterator = input_file->line_iterator(1);
// Go to the next (first) item
// Do we have still some data in our iterator?
int `!()
// Nothing's left in the file, no more CSV data
return !file_remaining;
// Get next elements from the iterator
CSVIterator `+=(int steps)
for(int i=0; ivalue();
// If no data from the file iterator
if (!in)
file_remaining=0; // there is no file remaining
csv_line = 0; // current CSV line is empty
return this; // exit
parse_csv(in); // parse csv and feed csv_line with them
// Sanity check loop over the colleted data
int count = -1;
foreach(csv_line, mixed v)
if (!sizeof(v))
csv_line[count] = "" ;
if ((v[0] == '\"') && (v[sizeof(v)-1] == '\"'))
// The string is surrounded by speechmarks, so let's
// remove them.
csv_line[count] = v[1..sizeof(v)-2];
// Go to the next element
return this;
// The current index for the iterator
int index()
return csv_index;
// Increment the iterator
int next()
// The CSV data for our current index
int|array value()
return csv_line;
/* CSVIterator-specific methods */
//! Parses a string and tries to find some CSV data in it.
//! The csv_line array is fed with the data.
//! No heuristic is done yet to try to manage malformed CSV data.
//! @param in
//! The line from the file we want to parse, as a string
static void parse_csv(string in)
// We can't just divide the string on comma, since commas can be quoted
int quoted = 0; // are we inside a quote sequence?
int last = 0; // the last char we cared about when feeding result array
int i = 0; // our current position in the file
array result = ({ });
// a " is found, reverse the quote status
case "\"":
// a , is found
case ",":
// if we are not in a quote sequence, split the string
result += ({ dequote(in[last..(i-1)]) });
// If we're at the end of the line and quoted, we have a CRLF in a field
// Adding a LF and go to the next the next line
if(quoted && i==(sizeof(in)-1))
// FIXME: we're adding \n here, regardless the original data was \n, \r
// or \r\n
// Adding the last part
result+=({ dequote(in[last..]) });
/* Public.Standards.CSV.FILE */
class FILE
inherit Stdio.FILE;
static int _standards=1; // Do we want to be standards compliant for output?
static int do_type_detection=default_type_detection;
// csv_iterator reads a CSV line at a time
// a CSV line can be splitted into multiple file lines
object csv_iterator;
//! If standards compliant, not all the fields will be enclosed in double
//! quotes, only thoses containing double quotes, commas and newlines
//! @param t
//! 1 sets the file to be standards compliant
//! 0 unsets it
void set_standard_compliance(int t)
_standards = t;
//! If standards compliant, not all the fields will be enclosed in double
//! quotes, only thoses containing double quotes, commas and newlines
//! @returns
//! 1 or 0 wether the file has been set standards compliant or not
int get_standard_compliance()
return _standards;
//! Enable or disable the type detection.
//! @param t
//! 1 sets the file to detect types
//! 0 unsets it
//! @returns
//! 1 or 0 wether the file has been set do detect types or not
void set_type_detection(int t)
do_type_detection = t;
//! Check if type detection is enabled or not.
//! @returns
//! 1 or 0 wether the file has been set to detect types or not
int get_type_detection()
return do_type_detection;
//! Write a row
//! @param row
//! The data to write
//! @returns
//! The number of bytes written
int write_row(mixed... row)
if (arrayp(row) && (sizeof(row) == 1) && arrayp(row[0]))
row = row[0];
array result = ({});
foreach(row, mixed r)
string v = (string)r;
if (_standards)
if (_enquote->match(v))
result += ({ sprintf("\"%s\"", enquote(v)) });
result += ({ enquote(v) });
result += ({ sprintf("\"%s\"", enquote(v)) });
return ::write((result * ",") + "\n");
//! Read a row
//! @returns
//! The row splitted into an array
//! 0 if no data
int|array read_row()
// We have to instanciate the CSVIterator the first time
csv_iterator = CSVIterator(this_object());
mixed res = csv_iterator->value();
// Type detection has not made it into CSVIterator, because it was hell
// to set/unset type detection on the fly this way
foreach(res; mixed indice; mixed value)
res[indice] = detect_type(value);
// Move the iterators to the next line
return res;
static object _get_iterator()
return CSVIterator(this_object());
static string _sprintf(mixed... args)
return replace(::_sprintf(@args), "Stdio.FILE", "Public.Standards.CSV.FILE");