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Recent Changes
Public.Parser.XML2 1.50
Public.ZeroMQ 1.1
Public.Template.Mustache 1.0
Public.Protocols.XMPP 1.4
Sql.Provider.jdbc 1.0
Popular Downloads
Public.Parser.JSON2 1.0
Public.Parser.JSON 0.2
GTK2 2.23
Public.Web.FCGI 1.8
Public.Parser.XML2 1.48
Module Information
Viewing contents of Public_Protocols_XMPP-1.4/upload_module_version.pike
// the original source of this file is the Tools.Monger source
// distribution.
int main(int argc, array(string) argv)
object m = Tools.Monger.MongerDeveloper();
werror("Usage: %s MODULE VERSION LICENSE\n", argv[0]);
string module = argv[1];
string version = argv[2];
string license = argv[3];
string changes = get_changes();
object in = Stdio.FILE("stdin");
Stdio.stdout.write("Have you updated the changelog and module version? ");
string ans = in->gets();
if(lower_case(ans[0..0]) != "y") exit(1);
Stdio.stdout.write("Username: ");
string user = in->gets();
Stdio.stdout.write("Password: ");
in->tcsetattr((["ECHO": 0]));
string password = in->gets();
in->tcsetattr((["ECHO": 1]));
write("module: " + module + ", version " + version + "\n");
write("license: " + license + "\n");
write("changes: " + changes);
m->set_auth(user, password);
mixed err = catch(m->add_new_version(module, version, changes, license));
Stdio.stdout.write("An error occurred while adding the new version:\n" +
err[0] + "\nContinue anyway? ");
string ans = in->gets();
if(lower_case(ans[0..0]) != "y") exit(1);
m->set_dependency(module, version, "Pike", "8.0.0", "8.2.999", 1);
m->set_module_source(module, version, replace(module, ".", "_") + "-" + version + ".tar.gz");
return 0;
string get_changes()
string changes = "";
string changefile=Stdio.read_file("CHANGES");
int started=0;
foreach(changefile/"\n", string line)
if(!started && (Regexp("^Changes since ")->match(line)
|| Regexp("^Version [0-9]")->match(line)))
started = 1;
else if(started && (Regexp("^Changes since ")->match(line)
|| Regexp("^Version [0-9]")->match(line)))
return changes;
else if(started) changes = changes + line + "\n";
return changes;