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Viewing contents of Public_Nix_Math-006/changes

Nix.Math 005
	 -The test in Random.pmod now translated to english.
	 -The test in Integration.pmod now translated to english.
	 -The test in Functions.pmod now translated to english.
	 -The test in LeastSquares.pmod now translated to english.
	 -The test in LinearAlgebra.pmod now translated to english.
	 -Written autodoc documentation for ODE.pmod.
	 -Written autodoc documentation for Integration.pmod
	 -Written autodoc documentation for Derivatives.pmod.
	 -Written autodoc documentation for Roots.pmod.
	 -Added SimpleQuestWith1stDerivatives , to minimize functions.
	 -Added Minimization.pmod, a new module to contain functions to minimize functions.
	 -The test in Fourier.pmod has been translated to english.
	 -The test in Constants.pmod has been translated to english.
	 -The test in Complex.pmod has been translated to english.
	 -Added PowerSpectrumExponent, a new function that computes the exponent of a data series, if It has It.
	 -Added GenerateWeierstrassData, to generate the graph of a Weierstrass function.
	 -Added GeneratePowerSpectrumData , to generate a BLF time series.
	 -Higuchi, BurlagaKlein and SimpleFractalDimension now return 3 more arrays with information about their 
	 -Added the new function ColumnFromArray, to convert arrays to NMatrix. 
	 -Now the Higuchi, BurlagaKlein and SimpleFractalDimension have a new optional paramether, used to decide which 
	    is the next interval value to use in the method.
	 -Added RungeKutta method.
	 -Added ODE.pmod, a new module that will contain methods to solve differential equations.
Nix.Math 004
	 -Added PowerSpectrum, a new function to compute the power spectrum of a time serie.
	 -Added DiscreteFourierTransformation and InverseDiscreteFourierTransformation.
	 -Added lots of functionality to the Complex numbers.
	 -Added Complex.pmod, a module to provide complex numbers.
	 -Overloaded operators *,+ and - for NMatrix. Now we can use them in the habitual way.
	 -Added GenerateLogisticData, to generate time series that are an orbit of a point following the logistic function.
	 -Added SimpleFractalDimension, a new method to compute the fractal dimension of a time series, in a way that is 
	    faster and simpler than others.

Nix.Math 003
	 -Added Roots.pmod. 
	 -Added Bisection.
	 -Added NewtonRaphson.
	 -Added Steffensen.
	 -Added RegulaFalsi.
	 -Added determinant, to compute the determinant of a matrix.
	 -Added Integration.pmod
	 -Added SimpleMontecarlo, to integrate functions in the style of f(x).

Nix.Math 002
	-Added BurlagaKlein method to compute the fractal dimension of a time serie.
	-Added Derivatives.pmod.
	-Added derive, derive2.
Nix.Math 001 : initial release.

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