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Module Information
Viewing contents of GUI_GTK2-0.1/module.pmod.in

#pike __REAL_VERSION__

inherit GUI.___GTK2;

//! @module GUI
//! @module GTK2

constant __author = "Sebastian Kaminski ";
constant __version = "0.1";

//! @class Dialog
class Dialog
  inherit GUI.___GTK2.Dialog;

//! @decl constant MODAL
//! Flag used to influence dialog construction.
//! Make the constructed dialog modal, see @[GUI.GTK2.Widget->set_modal()].
  constant MODAL               = 1<<0;

//! @decl constant DESTROY_WITH_PARENT
//! Flag used to influence dialog construction.
//! Destroy the dialog when its parent is destroyed, see 
//! @[GUI.GTK2.Window->set_destroy_with_parent()].
  constant DESTROY_WITH_PARENT = 1<<1;

//! @decl constant NO_SEPARATOR
//! Flag used to influence dialog construction.
//! Don't put a separator between the action area and the dialog content.
  constant NO_SEPARATOR        = 1<<2;

//! @class Response
//! Predefined values for use as response ids in@
//! @[GUI.GTK2.Dialog->add_button()]. All predefined values are negative,@
//! GTK leaves positive values for application-defined response ids. 
 class Response
//! @decl constant NONE
//! GTK returns this if a response widget has no response_id,
//! or if the dialog gets programmatically hidden or destroyed.
  constant NONE = -1;

//! @decl constant REJECT
//! Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs.
  constant REJECT = -2;

//! @decl constant ACCEPT
//! Generic response id, not used by GTK+ dialogs.
  constant ACCEPT = -3;

//! @decl constant DELETE_EVENT
//! Returned if the dialog is deleted.
  constant DELETE_EVENT = -4;

//! @decl constant OK
//! Returned by OK buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant OK = -5;

//! @decl constant CANCEL
//! Returned by Cancel buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant CANCEL = -6;

//! @decl constant CLOSE
//! Returned by Close buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant CLOSE = -7;

//! @decl constant YES
//! Returned by Yes buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant YES = -8;

//! @decl constant NO
//! Returned by No buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant NO = -9;

//! @decl constant APPLY
//! Returned by Apply buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant APPLY = -10;

//! @decl constant HELP
//! Returned by Help buttons in GTK+ dialogs.
  constant HELP = -11;
//! @endclass
//! @endclass

//! @class Stock
//! Stock items represent commonly-used menu or toolbar items such@
//! as "Open" or "Exit". Each stock item is identified by a stock ID;@
//! stock IDs are just strings, but constants such as GUI.GTK2.Stock.OPEN@
//! are provided to avoid typing mistakes in the strings.
class Stock
//! @decl constant ABOUT
  constant ABOUT           = "gtk-about";
//! @decl constant ADD
  constant ADD             = "gtk-add";
//! @decl constant APPLY
  constant APPLY           = "gtk-apply";
//! @decl constant BOLD
  constant BOLD            = "gtk-bold";
//! @decl constant CANCEL
  constant CANCEL          = "gtk-cancel";
//! @decl constant CDROM
  constant CDROM           = "gtk-cdrom";
//! @decl constant CLEAR
  constant CLEAR           = "gtk-clear";
//! @decl constant CLOSE
  constant CLOSE           = "gtk-close";
//! @decl constant COLOR_PICKE
  constant COLOR_PICKER    = "gtk-color-picker";
//! @decl constant CONVERT
  constant CONVERT         = "gtk-convert";
//! @decl constant CNONECT
  constant CONNECT         = "gtk-connect";
//! @decl constant COPY
  constant COPY            = "gtk-copy";
//! @decl constant CUT
  constant CUT             = "gtk-cut";
//! @decl constant DELETE
  constant DELETE          = "gtk-delete";
//! @decl constant DIALOG_ERROR
  constant DIALOG_ERROR    = "gtk-dialog-error";
//! @decl constant DIALOG_INFO
  constant DIALOG_INFO     = "gtk-dialog-info";
//! @decl constant DIALOG_QUESTION
  constant DIALOG_QUESTION = "gtk-dialog-question";
//! @decl constant WARNING
  constant DIALOG_WARNING  = "gtk-dialog-warning";
//! @decl constant DIRECTORY
  constant DIRECTORY       = "gtk-directory";
//! @decl constant DISCONNECT
  constant DISCONNECT      = "gtk-disconnect";
//! @decl constant DND
  constant DND             = "gtk-dnd";
//! @decl constant DND_MULTIPLE
  constant DND_MULTIPLE    ="gtk-dnd-multiple";
//! @decl constant EDIT
  constant EDIT            = "gtk-edit";
//! @decl constant EXECUTE
  constant EXECUTE         = "gtk-execute";
//! @decl constant FILE
  constant FILE            = "gtk-file";
//! @decl constant FIND
  constant FIND            = "gtk-find";
//! @decl constant FIND_AND_REPLACE
  constant FIND_AND_REPLACE= "gtk-find-and-replace";
//! @decl constant FLOPPY
  constant FLOPPY          = "gtk-floppy";
//! @decl constant GOTO_BOTTOM
  constant GOTO_BOTTOM     = "gtk-goto-bottom";
//! @decl constant GOTO_FIRST
  constant GOTO_FIRST      = "gtk-goto-first";
//! @decl constant GOTO_LAST
  constant GOTO_LAST       = "gtk-goto-last";
//! @decl constant GOTO_TOP
  constant GOTO_TOP        = "gtk-goto-top";
//! @decl constant GOTO_BACK
  constant GO_BACK         = "gtk-go-back";
//! @decl constant GOTO_DOWN
  constant GO_DOWN         = "gtk-go-down";
//! @decl constant FORWARD
  constant GO_FORWARD      = "gtk-go-forward";
//! @decl constant GOTO_UP
  constant GO_UP           = "gtk-go-up";
//! @decl constant HARDDISK
  constant HARDDISK        = "gtk-harddisk";
//! @decl constant HELP
  constant HELP            = "gtk-help";
//! @decl constant HOME
  constant HOME            = "gtk-home";
//! @decl constant INDENT
  constant INDENT          = "gtk-indent";
//! @decl constant INDEX
  constant INDEX           = "gtk-index";
//! @decl constant ITALIC
  constant ITALIC          = "gtk-italic";
//! @decl constant JUMP_TO
  constant JUMP_TO         = "gtk-jump-to";
//! @decl constant JUSTIFY_CENTER
  constant JUSTIFY_CENTER  = "gtk-justify-center";
//! @decl constant JUSTIFY_FILL
  constant JUSTIFY_FILL    = "gtk-justify-fill";
//! @decl constant JUSTIFY_LEFT
  constant JUSTIFY_LEFT    = "gtk-justify-fill";
//! @decl constant JUSTIFY_RIGHT
  constant JUSTIFY_RIGHT   = "gtk-justify-fill";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_FORWARD
  constant MEDIA_FORWARD   = "gtk-media-forward";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_NEXT
  constant MEDIA_NEXT      = "gtk-media-next";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_PAUSE
  constant MEDIA_PAUSE     = "gtk-media-pause";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_PLAY
  constant MEDIA_PLAY      = "gtk-media-play";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_PREVIOUS
  constant MEDIA_PREVIOUS  = "gtk-media-previous";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_RECORD
  constant MEDIA_RECORD    = "gtk-media-record";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_REWIND
  constant MEDIA_REWIND    = "gtk-media-rewind";
//! @decl constant MEDIA_STOP
  constant MEDIA_STOP      = "gtk-media-stop";
//! @decl constant MISSING_IMAGE
  constant MISSING_IMAGE   = "gtk-missing-image";
//! @decl constant NETWORK
  constant NETWORK         = "gtk-network";
//! @decl constant NEW
  constant NEW             = "gtk-new";
//! @decl constant NO
  constant NO              = "gtk-no";
//! @decl constant OK
  constant OK              = "gtk-ok";
//! @decl constant OPEN
  constant OPEN            = "gtk-open";
//! @decl constant PASTE
  constant PASTE           = "gtk-paste";
//! @decl constant PREFERENCES
  constant PREFERENCES     = "gtk-preferences";
//! @decl constant PRINT
  constant PRINT           = "gtk-print";
//! @decl constant PRINT_PREVIEW
  constant PRINT_PREVIEW   = "gtk-print-preview";
//! @decl constant PROPERTIES
  constant PROPERTIES      = "gtk-properties";
//! @decl constant QUIT
  constant QUIT            = "gtk-quit";
//! @decl constant REDO
  constant REDO            = "gtk-redo";
//! @decl constant REFRESH
  constant REFRESH         = "gtk-refresh";
//! @decl constant REMOVE
  constant REMOVE          = "gtk-remove";
//! @decl constant REVERT_TO_SAVED
  constant REVERT_TO_SAVED = "gtk-revert-to-saved";
//! @decl constant SAVE
  constant SAVE            = "gtk-save";
//! @decl constant SAVE_AS
  constant SAVE_AS         = "gtk-save-as";
//! @decl constant SELECT_COLOR
  constant SELECT_COLOR    = "gtk-select-color";
//! @decl constant SELECT_FONT
  constant SELECT_FONT     = "gtk-select-font";
//! @decl constant SORT_ASCENDING
  constant SORT_ASCENDING  = "gtk-sort-ascending";
//! @decl constant SORT_DESCENDING
  constant SORT_DESCENDING = "gtk-sort-descending";
//! @decl constant SPELL_CHECK
  constant SPELL_CHECK     = "gtk-spell-check";
//! @decl constant STOP
  constant STOP            = "gtk-stop";
//! @decl constant STRIKETHROUGH
  constant STRIKETHROUGH   = "gtk-strikethrough";
//! @decl constant UNDELETE
  constant UNDELETE        = "gtk-undelete";
//! @decl constant UNDERLINE
  constant UNDERLINE       = "gtk-underline";
//! @decl constant UNDO
  constant UNDO            = "gtk-undo";
//! @decl constant UNINDENT
  constant UNINDENT        = "gtk-unindent";
//! @decl constant YES
  constant YES             = "gtk-yes";
//! @decl constant ZOOM_100
  constant ZOOM_100        = "gtk-zoom-100";
//! @decl constant ZOOM_FIT
  constant ZOOM_FIT        = "gtk-zoom-fit";
//! @decl constant ZOOM_IN
  constant ZOOM_IN         = "gtk-zoom-in";
//! @decl constant ZOOM_OUT
  constant ZOOM_OUT        = "gtk-zoom-out";
//! @endclass

//! @endmodule
//! @endmodule

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