1.50 |
2020-02-25 16:51 |
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- Fixes for newer versions of libxml - Fixes for Pike 8.1
1.48 |
2016-06-04 16:52 |
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- Fixes for Pike 8.0\n\n
1.46 |
2016-03-28 18:14 |
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- Fixes for Pike 8.0\n\n
1.42 |
2009-02-24 07:45 |
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- Add XML2.get_xml_parser_options() and get_html_parser_options().\n- Fix some memory leaks in various Node methods.\n- Strengthened bounds checking on parse_xml().\n\n
1.40 |
2007-01-16 16:57 |
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- XMLReader is actually usable now that we manage memory properly\n- fixes for stack overflow when using SAX to parse large xml documents\n- fix for nsstartelement attribute contents overrunning\n- added \"end\" attribute to nsstartelement attribute data\n- fix for character callback receiving too much data\n- configure fix for libxmls that don't have xmlTextReaderIsNamespaceDecl \n or xmlNewDocPI\n- fix for Node()->children()->delete() segfaults\n- better checks on Node destruction to prevent segfaults\n\n
1.38 |
2005-12-22 11:23 |
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- added Public.Parser.XML2.silent as a flag to turn off error and warning\n output (stopgap until we figure out a better system, really)\n- more verification of get_ns_attributes(), seems to be working properly\n- added XMLReader()->set_autoencode(), to toggle auto-encoding of input \n data\n\n
1.36 |
2005-10-19 16:56 |
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- added Stylesheet()->media_type()\n- added Stylesheet()->output_type()\n- get_ns_attributes() uses the namespace URI, and works properly now\n- CHANGE: set_ns_attributes() is now a 3 argument variant of \n set_attributes(), and uses the namespace URI rather than prefix now.\n- CHANGE: set_ns() uses the namespace URI rather than the prefix\n- added Node()->_refs(), Node()->is_unlinked and Node()->is_transient(),\n mostly useful for debugging purposes, but may have other purposes :)\n\n
1.34 |
2005-10-18 17:30 |
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- fixed a bunch of segfaults when passing Node objects to a Stylesheet.\n- XSLT docloader functions are local to the Stylesheet object, rather\n than global, as they were before.\n- parse_xslt() is back (we don't know where it went).\n- should compile on systems without strlcpy().\n- minor doc fixes\n- beginning of a testsuite to help ensure quality.\n\n
1.32 |
2005-09-07 18:11 |
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- Added new_node() for getting a new unlinked XML node\n- select_xpath_nodes() will evaluate relative to the node passed, making \n expressions that involve node axes (parent, child, etc) work properly.\n- Fixed a segmentation fault which occasionally occurred while using \n get_ns_attributes().\n- Documentation fixes\n\n
1.24 |
2005-07-20 17:29 |
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- Added basic RelaxNG validation support
1.22 |
2005-07-18 14:57 |
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- Node and XMLReader objects automatically encode input to UTF-8 and output from UTF-8 to Pike's internal string representation when wide strings are in use.\r\n- Added set_auto_utf8_convert() to turn off auto conversion of strings.\r\n
1.20 |
2005-07-14 10:13 |
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- Added new functions for Node objects: replace(), unlink(), delete(), copy(), copy_list(), set_base(), set_lang(), add_content(), new_text_child() and a namespace aware version of new_child()\r\n- Some memory optimizations for freeing unlinked nodes upon object destruction.\r\n- Fixed some documentation
1.16 |
2005-05-05 00:00 |
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- XMLReader interface mostly complete\r\n- Added a few more Node methods\r\n- More inline documentation
1.14 |
2005-05-03 00:00 |
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- Added HTML parser\r\n- Added XML and HTML parser options\r\n- Fixed compile problems with some versions of libxml2\r\n- Added XMLReader interface, missing a lot of methods currently\r\n- Added Doc loader support for XSLT Stylesheet objects
1.12 |
2005-04-10 00:00 |
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- Support for XSLT transformations via libxslt\r\n- Code reorg for easier development
1.8 |
2005-04-06 00:00 |
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Added SAX v2 compliant parser.
1.3 |
2005-03-21 00:00 |
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- Added set_node_name()\r\n- Added add_ns() and set_ns()\r\n- Added get_root_node() and set_root_node()\r\n- Added select_xpath_nodes() to allow selection of nodes based on an XPath \r\n specification\r\n- Added support for creation of PI nodes\r\n- Added support for setting and deletion of attributes\r\n- More documentation
1.2 |
2005-03-20 00:00 |
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New for this version: \r\n\r\n- Support for creation of certain types of nodes\r\n- Support for adding children and siblings\r\n- Support for creating new documents\r\n- Support for output of document to XML \r\n- More documentation\r\n- More constants\r\n- Testing clocks this module as 500% faster than Parser.XML.NSTree\r\n\r\nLimitations: \r\n\r\n- Incomplete Namespace support\r\n- No support for adding attributes to nodes. \r\n- Not all types of node can be created. \r\n- No support for deleting or copying nodes.\r\n
1.1 |
2005-03-19 00:00 |
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Support for getting namespace information from nodes.\r\nSupport for dumping a node to XML.\r\nSupport for more node operations, such as getting language.\r\nConstants have been shortened and moved into their own class.\r\nApproximately 30% of methods have documentation now.\r\n
1.0 |
2005-03-18 00:00 |
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Initial version of the module; provides rudimentary parsing and tree navigation methods. The tree is currently static.